“Forests for People, People for Forests:
Forest-based livelihoods in the Caribbean”
May 4th – 7th, 2010
Cascadia Hotel, St. Anns, Port of Spain, Trinidad
CANARI has invited 80 regional and local participants involved in forest management, working at the local, national and regional level in the English, French, Spanish, and Creole-speaking islands of the Caribbean. Participants will include Action Learning Group members from CANARI’s Forest and Livelihoods Programme, representatives of community-based organisations (CBOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), private sector, private landowners, government agencies, academic institutions, technical and financial support agencies and intergovernmental agencies.
Participants will share experiences and lessons learned in forest management, and will identify and promote policies and practices that support sustainable forest-based livelihoods in the islands of the Caribbean.
The format for the conference will be two days of meetings and one day of field trips. There will also be a pre-conference, one-day workshop for CBOs.
- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
- European Union
Regional conference report
Speakers and Topics
- Ms. Marilyn Headley- Forestry Department Jamaica
- Mr. Claus Eckelmann-United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
- Dr. Ulric Trotz- Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
- Professor John Agard- University of the West Indies
- Ms. Akilah Jaramogi- Fondes Amandes Reforestation Project
- Mr. Ivan Laughlin- Integrated Land Environment and Settlement Initiatives Limited
- Mr. Cletus Springer- Organisation of American States
Programme (presentations of conference linked to presenters names)
- Adaptive, collaborative, ecosystem-based approaches to forest management
- Potential uses of abandoned agricultural estates to develop forest-based livelihoods
- Forests for sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction
- Valuation of ecosystem services and its role in forest management
- Climate change and forests in small islands
Logistical information eng. Logistical information spa.
Participant List
Field trips
Pre-conference CBO workshop
For further logistical info contact Patricia Franco at [email protected]. Technical questions can be directed to Neila Bobb-Prescott at [email protected].