Green Economy
Project: Strategic planning for sustainable development in the Francophone Caribbean: capacity-building for sustainable consumption and production - Phase 1
Strategic planning for sustainable development in the Francophone Caribbean: capacity-building for sustainable consumption and production
Countries: Haiti, Saint Lucia, Dominica
Dates / Term: April 2009 – April 2010
Funders: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Institut de l’Energie et de l’Environnement de la Francophonie (IEPF), subsidiary body of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
Project amount:
US$ 65,520
Goal and objectives:
The general objective of the programme is: to enhance the national policy framework for sustainable development in the three member countries of the Francophonie (Dominica, Haiti and Saint Lucia). More specifically, the programme aims to strengthen regional capacity for analysis, planning, management and policy formulation to support sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the three participating countries and to support regional institutions and processes. Sustainable consumption and production is seen as one approach to implementing a green economy.
The specific objective of phase 1 was to initiate the implementation of the programme, while creating the conditions necessary for the three countries to take better account of sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the development of their policies and programmes and to support their full participation in the Marrakech Process.
a. Conduct two national studies on the status of sustainable consumption and production in Saint Lucia and Dominica : the two baseline studies of the status of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in Dominica and Saint Lucia were intended to form the basis for the formulation of a national programme that will encourage the integration of SCP approaches in national sectoral and multi-sectoral strategies and the design and implementation of a pilot project within the framework of the regional programme.
The objectives of the national studies were to:
- review and analyse the policies, standards and regulations relevant to sustainable production and consumption in Dominica;
- conduct a baseline study of current activities and best practices in Saint Lucia and Dominica in the sectors selected for the pilot project; and
- identify possible actions, recommendations and next steps.
Facilitate a national workshop in each of these two countries: the main objectives of the workshops held in Dominica and Saint Lucia were to:
- sensitise and motivate national stakeholders on issues related to sustainable consumption and production (SCP);
- review and endorse the draft and finalise the design of the Dominica national pilot project (2010 – 2012), with focus on the construction sector, with emphasis on the public housing sector in Dominica, and the laundry sector of the hotel industry in Saint Lucia;
- present, review and validate the findings of the national study;
- establish the functional relationship with the regional programme and the regional Action Learning Group (ALG) and how they contribute to the national project;
- confirm functions, membership and mode of operation of the National Steering Committee;
- agree on the main elements of a national programme.
Establish a regional Action Learning Group (ALG) : the launch the ALG confirmed functions, membership and mode of operation. It also built a collective understanding of the value of and the processes involved in action learning and consensus on the roles of ALG members. The ALG meeting also sought to:
- begin the process of experience sharing and analysis of lessons learnt
- agree on work plans, including fundraising targets and tasks
- define next steps for the ALG and the other regional activities and for the three national projects
Lessons learned:
Key publications:
Key documents: