Green Economy
A new model of economic development that ensures that natural resources are conserved and distribution of economic benefits is equitable, and so contributes to achieving the goal of sustainable development in the Caribbean.
To effectively and equitably engage Caribbean stakeholders in developing a model of economic development for the Caribbean that ensures that natural resources are conserved and distribution of economic benefits is equitable.
- To facilitate dialogue among Caribbean stakeholders to elicit ideas and perspectives on economic development challenges and opportunities.
- To coordinate participatory action research and learning on key questions on how to develop and implement a new model of economic development for the Caribbean.
- To communicate lessons, models, best practices and recommendations to raise awareness on how to develop and implement a new model of economic development for the Caribbean.
- To advocate to key stakeholders in the Caribbean and internationally to influence policy for development and implementation of a new model of economic development for the Caribbean.
- To build capacity of Caribbean stakeholders on how to develop and implement a new model of economic development for the Caribbean.
Action Learning Groups and Networks
The Caribbean Green Economy Action Learning Group (GE ALG) is a regional, multi-disciplinary group of development professionals and academics from across the English-, French- and Spanish-speaking islands of the Caribbean, with a range of expertise including macroeconomics, planning, tourism, agriculture, rural development, gender and climate change. The group’s purpose is to identify and promote ways in which “green economy” can advance sustainable development in the Caribbean through shaping visions, perspectives, positions and actions. CANARI serves as convenor for the Group. GE ALG members are guided by a Terms of Reference to work collectively to implement a Programme of Work on green economy.
Key publications:
Key news items:
- A Caribbean Green Economy Action Learning Group (GE ALG) was launched by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) on May 23rd 2012, in St. Kitts during the Sixth Biennial Caribbean Environmental Forum and Exhibition (CEF 6): “The Green Economy: Challenges and Opportunities in Managing Health, Water, Waste, Land, Energy, Climate Change and our Natural Resources”. See here for more information.
- The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), which hosts the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) National Dialogues, approached CANARI to facilitate a process for the Caribbean small island developing states as part of this initiative. Find out more about the Caribbean Green Economy Regional Dialogue facilitated by CANARI.
Interviews with Caribbean stakeholders on what they think about “green economy”
CANARI staff working on this programme:
Nicole Leotaud, Executive Director [email protected]
Loïza Rauzduel, Technical Officer [email protected]
CANARI Programme Advisors:
Cletus Springer, Organisation of American States
Steve Bass, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Related programmes:
CANARI’s Rural Livelihoods programme