Green Economy
Project: Sustainable consumption and production in the Francophone Caribbean: Phase 2
Project E: Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in the Francophone Caribbean: Phase 2
Dominica, Haiti, Saint Lucia
Dates / Term:
July 2011 – June 2012
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Institut de l’Energie et de l’Environnement de la Francophonie (IEPF), subsidiary body of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Francophonie focal points in the three project countries
Project amount:
UNEP US $10,000
IEPF US $25,194
Goal and objectives:
- To finalise a regional programme document and national proposals to be submitted to potential future partners, in order to seek funding for strengthening of capacities for sustainable methods of consumption and production (SCP);
- To support the ongoing efforts to develop a national strategy and a plan of action for Saint Lucia towards the adoption of sustainable methods of consumption and production, in the framework of the search for a green economy;
- To facilitate a regional workshop to present the Saint Lucia national strategy and plan of action, train representatives of Saint Lucia, Dominica and Haiti on sustainable methods of production and consumption, and validate the regional and national proposals for implementation of projects;
- To strengthen CANARI’s role in coordinating regional activities in the area of sustainable methods of production and consumption and green economy.
- Updating of a proposal for a regional programme on SCP, including a regional component and three national pilot projects, in collaboration with stakeholders from the three project countries.
- Drafting of a discussion paper for Saint Lucia on a national strategy on green economy, including SCP
- Facilitating a national meeting for Saint Lucia to discuss the national strategy and identify recommendations for implementation
- Facilitating a regional meeting on SCP and green economy to discuss the proposed regional programme and how this relates to wider green economy initiatives in the Caribbean
- Policy makers and managers in the project countries who were involved in drafting the regional programme are more aware of the usefulness of an approach to SCP and its present and potential contribution to the programmes and strategies for poverty reduction, and thus the need for its implementation.
- The regional meeting held on January 31st 2012, with participation of Francophone SCP project participants, contributed to the establishment of the Caribbean Green Economy Action Learning Group, which CANARI is coordinating, and development of the Terms of Reference and list of members, which includes members from the Francophone Caribbean.
- A discussion paper “Walking the path towards a green economy – Developing a national position and strategy on green economy and sustainable consumption and production in Saint Lucia” was produced. There was significant follow-up to the national meeting in Saint Lucia held on February 1st 2012. The ideas on SCP and green economy expressed in the discussion paper and at the meeting are reflected in the new strategic plan of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology in Saint Lucia.
- Linkages between SCP and green economy approaches are better understood by project participants and opportunities for linking SCP initiatives with wider green economy initiatives in the Caribbean were highlighted. SCP is being considered as an approach in the draft regional research agenda and programme of work on green economy being developed by the GE ALG. Funding is being sought by CANARI and GE ALG members and partners for implementation of this programme of work.
Lessons learned:
- Sustainable consumption and production is a key component of a green economy approach in the Caribbean.
- The process of transforming the economy and moving towards a green economy requires a number of critical elements, including: a vision; leadership / a champion; engagement of all actors / participation; a national planning framework; strategic directions and programmes, with budget allocations; results; indicators; and research, development and innovation / evidence-based decision-making.
- We need to document and promote examples of projects that the Caribbean has implemented that make a significant contribution to green economy and sustainable consumption and production.
Key documents:
Key news items:
Online discussion forum:
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