Participatory Forest Management: Improving policy and institutional capacity for development (2006-2010)

Small grants
This component comprises small grants window, launched initially in March 2009 and again in July 2010, to support the work of community-based organisations (CBOs) that are attempting to develop sustainable livelihoods based on the use of forest resources.

The objectives of the small grants are to:

  • provide support for participatory forest management initiatives that are designed to build or enhance sustainable livelihoods based on the use of forest resources;
  • build CBO capacity and catalyse the sustained involvement of CBOs in forest management.

The grants are being issued under a closed call for proposals based on recommendations from members of the Forests and Livelihoods Programme. Individual grants will be between US$1000 and 5000. See Small Grants concept note for more information.

First Round Winners
Under the first round of call for proposals, issued in Barbados, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, and Trinidad & Tobago, nineteen applications from CBOs throughout the Caribbean were received and reviewed by a five-member regional review committee. Six projects, from 3 countries, were selected for funding.

Maroon Community Group in Nevis,' Agro-forestry for sustainable livelihoods.' This project
sought to address soil erosion, improve habitat for indigenous birds, and explore opportunities for other forest-based livelihoods. This group, through cultivation of tannia, ginger, as well as market identification sought to re-introduce local ginger production, reduce the dependency on imports, while building community cohesion and sustainable livelihoods. The project also aimed at expanding the knowledge of indigenous skills through the reintroduction of a viable arts & craft industry from forest products.

St. Kitts Folklore Academy, 'The revitalisation of authentic folklore musical instruments.'' This project was aimed at revitalising the making of authentic folklore musical instruments from natural materials attained from the forest, through workshops and field trips with people with the knowledge and skills of producing these instruments, to educate and demonstrate means and ways of generating income for livelihood.

Community Achievers Project,'St. Kitts, Nature’s Best .' This project facilitated a series of activities designed to teach at risk youth how to use a variety of natural resources from the forest for sustainable livelihoods.

National Association of Youth in Agriculture Inc. of Dominica’s, 'Application of traditional knowledge of herbs in fostering youth empowerment and employment.' This project was aimed at facilitating employment of youth through the utilisation (processing) of non-timber forest products to manufacture oils and extracts. The project sought to utilise new and efficient oil extraction processes (distillation) to add value to forest products and make them available for the production of teas, incense and massage oils, incense sticks etc. Young adults were trained in oil extraction technologies, plant propagation methods and product development (oils, incense, etc).

North Eastern Wildlife Conservation Environmental Protection and Tours (NEWCEPT),'Capacity-building through the implementation of a tree planting program on Londonderry Beach, Dominica.' This project focused on training in nursery production techniques and tree planting designed to reforest the Londonberry beach, to block and filter light from vehicles along this major sea turtle nesting beach and to strengthen NEWCEPT’s organizational capacity by developing conservation program.

Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project, ' Fondes Amandes community eco-tourism site.' This project focused on managing and protecting the Fondes Amandes watershed with a special focus on biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihood. The overall objective was to create a nature-based tourism destination for the visitors and business tourists using hotels located in the Port of Spain area by building the capacity of community members in tour guiding.

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