Testing Communication Products


This pilot project was the final component of a multiyear regional project, "Participatory Forest Management: Improving policy and institutional capacity for development (2006-2010)" funded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO).

The project sought to improve policy for and the practice of participatory forest management for developing sustainable forest-based livelihoods in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by implementing a promotional campaign targeted at poor rural communities and the general public.  The project was undertaken with the support of the Forestry Department as the local partner. 

Since 2003, the Forestry Department  joined with several civil society groups and state stakeholders in forest co-management, through the Integrated Forest Management Development Programme (IFMDP).  CANARI has assisted in furtherance of this type of activity though the facilitation of workshops and provision of technical assistance and through Action Learning Group discussions. 

The communication products which were developed and tested in this project were a 4-part newspaper article series, information posters, a community caravan which visited two communities, a 10-minute television documentary and a 4-part radio magazine series.  These communication products will be shared with seven other Caribbean countries which have also initiated programmes for greater stakeholder involvement in forest co-management.

Project goal

To improve policy for and the practice of participatory forest management for developing sustainable forest-based livelihoods in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by implementing a promotional campaign targeted at poor rural communities and the general public.


Project objectives

To develop and disseminate a collection of products (radio drama, newspaper series, community caravan, video clips and posters) to communicate key messages on participatory forest management for developing sustainable forest-based livelihoods identified by the regional Forests and Livelihoods Action Learning Group (ALG). The ALG was comprised of individuals from key national and regional institutions who could contribute skills, knowledge or experience to research and capacity building on forests and livelihoods and who could serve as ‘change agents’ by sharing learning on project findings within their countries, institutions and sectors.  The group contained representation from government, private sector and civil society, including forest users, from the forestry and poverty reduction and rural livelihoods sectors and other relevant sectors in the project countries, as well as representatives of relevant regional organisations and technical and financial support agencies. 

Project outputs

The range of communication products that were developed in this project are:

  • Newspaper Articles which promoted the benefits of the co-management arrangement;
  • A four-episode Radio Magazine programme which featured a radio drama segment which was developed in a participatory workshop with local stakeholders, the four episodes are available for listening here:

               - Bush Talk Episode 1

               - Bush Talk Episode 2

               - Bush Talk Episode 3

               - Bush Talk Episode 4

  • A series of Posters which deliver messages that promote sustainable forest practices and sustainable forest-based livelihood activities;
  • A television documentary (script) which gives the views of a variety of stakeholders that are presently active in participatory forest management programmes; and
  • A Community Caravan exercise, which promoted the work of stakeholders from civil society and state agencies currently engaged in forest co-management programmes.

Additionally, an evaluation report on the development of the radio magazine product was also produced, which gives an assessment of the process and recommendations.

A final project report is available here.

















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